Riding atop a surge of musical contest shows, The Masked Singer adds a new level of mystery and prestige with a cast of talented celebrities and a structure perfect to get everyone guessing who just performed. The costumes are elaborate, fun, and add a level of visual flair that allows The Masked Singer to go beyond just the sounds and the music.
But what are these kinds of shows without a panel of judges? The Masked Singer also has them out of the loop—not in on who’s performing—allowing them to also guess at who these singers might be. And, returning for her second season is Jenny McCarthy. Her energetic personality adds to the already bombastic nature of the show and even from just a few clips gets across how fun she can be.
If you’re interested in seeing a new take on musical contest shows with support for internet speculation and our social media age, The Masked Singer is on Fox, Wednesdays at 9 pm ET. Unlike a lot of shows, this one is best watched as soon as it comes on—before they reveal the next secret contestant. You got to stay ahead of the spoilers, after all.